Vb Net Get List Of Installed Programs
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Vb Net Get List Of Installed Programs

Vb Net Get List Of Installed Programs Rating: 6,4/10 7315reviews

Finding all installed programs from the registry Sysinternals Forums. Basically I am writing a vb. PC, exactly like AddRemove Programs does. So I thought all I would need to do is loop through the keys in HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrent. VersionUninstall and that would be it. PC. From using Process Monitor to watch which registry keys AddRemove Programs accesses, I have found that I need to look at several other keys as well. I have got it to work pretty much exactly like AddRemove Programs but it still has the odd problem where it will get say 1 more program than AddRemove Programs does. On my Windows 7 PC my code always picks up Microsoft Choice Guard as a program, where as AddRemove Programs does not show it. On my Windows XP test machine it picks up just one random Windows Update, which obviously AddRemove Programs does not show unless you have the Show Updates thing ticked. This example shows how you can list OLE DB providers installed on the system. I recently had to run an older program on a new system, and the provider used by the. GetRemoteProgr am Get list of installed programs on remote or local computer This script generates a list by querying the registry and returning the. Making a Program Uninstaller with VB. NET. make your own Uninstaller in VB. NET. Lets get the show on. Ever wanted to quickly see what software is installed on a remote machine without. Free Tool That Lists Installed Programs on. VB. NET Active Directory. Example of how to get a list of installed programs. If you want to get the list of installed programs from. First of all, Im just starting with VB. Net so. Array Of Lists Vb Netgetting list of installed software that matches control panels addremove programs or programs and features list. This article explains how to get the installed Software details of your system. Here I will get the information from the Win32Product class. I have got my code to check the Release. Type value in each key to see if it is Hotfix, Update Rollup, Service Pack etc but the window update my program is showing does not have the Release. Type value at all anyway So basically, Im just wondering if there is anyone out there with a good understanding of how addremove programs does its thing that might be able to help me out a bit If you want to see my VB. NET code then let me know but here is the basic logic of my program 1. Complete List Of Installed Programs' title='Complete List Of Installed Programs' />Loop through all subkeys in HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrent. VersionUninstall. For each subkey, do the following Check to see if the System. Component value exists and is set to 1 if it is then move on to the next subkey Check to see if the Windows. Installer value exists and is set to 1 if it is then move on to next subkey Check to see if the Uninstall. String value exists if it does not then move on to next subkey Check the Release. Listing All The Installed Softwares In Computer Using. Net Dont Forget to add BImports Microsoft. Win32B. How to check whether a program is installed and find the path. Type value, if it is hotix or service pack etc then move on to next subkey Check the Parent. Key. Name value, if it exists then move on to next subkey Check to see if the Display. Name value exists if it does then add this name to our list of installed programs. Repeat this same process for all subkeys in HKLMSoftwareWow. NodeMicrosoftWindowsCurrent. El Libro De Dzyan Pdf Writer here. VersionUninstall if it exists. Loop through all users in HKEYUSERS and for each one, loop through the subkeys in HKUUSER SID HERESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrent. VersionUninstall and do the exact same thing described in step 2. Whilst looping through all users in HKEYUSERS, also check HKUUSER SID HERESoftwareMicrosoftInstallerProducts and for each subkey in there do the following Check to see if a subkey with the same GUID name exists in HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrent. VersionInstallerUser. DataUSER SID HEREProducts if it does then check to see if the System. Component value in the Install. Properties subkey is set to 1 if it is then move on to the next subkey Read the Product. Name value and add it to our list of installed programs. Loop through all subkeys in HKLMSoftwareClassesInstallerProducts and for each one do the following Check to see if a subkey with the same GUID name exists in HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrent. VersionInstallerUser. DataS 1 5 1. 8Products if it doesnt then move on to the next subkey Check the System. Component value is not set to 1 if it is set to 1 then move on to next subkey Check the Windows. Installer value exists and is set to 1 if it is not then move to next subkey Read the Product. Name value and add it to our list of installed programs. THE END Anyone see anything I am missing or doing wrong Like I said, this works fairly well but just seems to show one or two programs that AddRemove Programs does not for some reason. One thing I am also particularly struggling with is how Windows determines whether an installed program is an update or not. If it has the Release. Type value or Parent. Key. Name set then its easy to tell but if not then I dont understand how it knows its not just another normal program.