Filter Vsco Cam
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Filter Vsco Cam

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Hb2 Filter Vsco Cam' title='Hb2 Filter Vsco Cam' />Smartphone Photography 1. The Ultimate Guide to Smartphone Photography. When it comes to our smartphone photography, our general philosophy is to see the cameras limitations as its advantages. Heres what I mean. Camera phones are not nearly as powerful DSLRs. Theyre not even as powerful as some point and shoots out there. For the most part, they lack the manual controls or the hardware you need to say, create a dreamily shallow depth of field, get a crisp shot of someone in motion, or produce a shot in low light thats not peppered with noise. Heres the good news When youre limited technically, you have to push yourself in other ways to make a shot work. It was very good at the beginning. But after several updates it became the worst selfie app. Each of the filter effects is getting too much noisy and. The Airbrush app is by far my favorite I think I literally use it for every single one of my pictures whether its a filter or brighteningsmoothing. And, as youll soon see, in pushing yourself to get great shots from your camera phone, youll be developing fundamental skills some of the nuts and bolts of great photography So lets dive into it, and learn how to take compelling shots with your smartphone camera. Once weve got the basics down, well hook you up with some ideas of what to photograph, to help you dive right into smartphone photography. Know Your Camera. First things first Get to know your camera. Test out its various modes panorama, video, etc in different conditions like low light, direct sun, and when your subject is moving to see what the different modes excel at and where they fall a little short. My go to iPhoneography apps. I tend to share my more complex iPhone photography. Perhaps the iPhone apps that I use day to day get ignored. Here they are. The Sony a7R II is a 42MP full frame mirrorless camera with 5axis image stabilization, featuring the worlds first and currently only 35mm BSI CMOS sensor, and. If youre a professional, and youre properly prepared for the assignment, theres nothing inherently wrong with taking pictures during a hurricane. If, on the other. VSCO-Cam.jpg' alt='Pink Filter Vsco Cam' title='Pink Filter Vsco Cam' />VSCO teamed up with NikeLab to create a filter celebrating a new outerwear collection last month. NikeLab VSCO. We select the best photo apps for iPhone, iPad and Android from cool cameras to photo editor tools. Filter Vsco Cam' title='Filter Vsco Cam' />For example, my phone has both a standard mode, where I can manually adjust my exposure, and an high dynamic range HDR mode, that produces a single shot from several images taken at different exposures. My default is to shoot on HDR, as the resulting shot looks more true to life in its gradation of light to dark tones and its color counterintuitive, but there we are. I switch over to the standard mode whenever I need to seriously increase or decrease the exposure, or in low light conditions where the HDR mode struggles to focus. My camera also has a lens blur function that allows me to mimic a shallow depth of field, but its a bit clunky so I dont use it much. Knowing how your cameras different modes work will help you have more control over the final look of your shots. All it takes is a little bit of practiceAnd dont forget that you can download 3rd party camera apps that can give you additional functionality. Nail Your Composition. Spend a bit of time on Instagram, and youll discover that photographers with big followings have something in common, whether they photograph fashion, families, wildlife or waterfalls. That common feature A great compositional style. What is composition, you ask In essence, when you compose a shot, youre choosing how to arrange the visual elements in your frame elements like lines, shapes, colors and light. The resulting arrangement is your composition. Composition is the placement or arrangement of visual elements or ingredients in a work of art, as distinct from the subject of a work. Wikipedia. Your composition impacts not only the look of your image like whether it feels static or dynamic but also how your viewer thinks and feels about it. A shot of a several pedestrians crossing a street may not catch your eye, but a shot of a single pedestrian could convey a range of feelings or ideas, from loneliness to adventure. With smartphone photography, composition is key because, for the most part, everything in your frame will be in focus. You cant adjust your aperture to blur out all the background details, so you have to work a bit harder to make sure the elements in your frame make for a great shot that communicates your message. Plus, chances are that if youre posting to Instagram, youre going to be doing the bulk of your editing with a not so powerful editing app, rather than Lightroom or Photoshop. You have to get it right in camera your apps not going to save you from bigger mistakes Here are a few things we look for when we compose photos with our smartphones light. Light can have a big impact on the look and feel of your images. Imagine the same scene lit by the soft golden light of sunrise versus the harsh, shadow creating light of midday. Light can also help direct attention. We tend to look first at things that are brightly lit, or lit in way that differs dramatically from the rest of the scene. Light can change the color of your shot, too For example, daylight tends to be neutral or slightly blue, sunrise and sunset light tends to be warm, and the light before sunrise and after sunset is much more blue. Because cameras dont adjust for changes in the color of light as well as our eyes do, these colors can show up quite strongly in your photos. Above After sunset, natural light tends to have a blue cast. My eyes knew that the snow was white, but my smartphone camera registered it as super blue no editing applied Keep the different effects of light in mind as you shoot, and look for light that enhances your message. If you dont like the effect a light source is having on your image, change it up turn off an overhead light and shoot only with window light, come back to your shot at sunset instead of midday, or reposition yourself or your subject until the light falls where you want it to. LINESLines are hugely powerful elements See, our eyes love a good line. Whether its wavy, straight or curved or implied like a line created by loosely spaced people, our eyes will latch onto the line and follow it to the end. Heres what that means for your photos If you want your viewer to look at your subject, place them at the end of a line or a series of lines, for even more attention directing power. Above The diagonal lines of the staircase are a magnet for your eye Place your subject at the end of those lines, and your viewer is sure to see them There are all kinds of lines out there, and they do different things for our photos. Horizontal and vertical lines tend to feel static, diagonal lines tend to feel dynamic, and wavy or curved lines are both dynamic and a little gentler. If you want to create a particular feeling in a shot, incorporate the types of lines that enhance that feeling Above In the first image, the diagonal lines of the trees and picnic table give the shot a more dynamic feel. In the second image, when those lines are straight, the shot feels much more static. Space. Look at the two photos below. Which photo makes the subject stand out moreIts the one with all the empty space Above Against a stark blue background, the branches and leaves of the tree really grab your attention. In the second shot, its not as clear where youre supposed to look first. When you surround your subject with empty space or negative space, as photographers call it it simplifies your frame. There are fewer things to distract from your subject, so that subject really pops. The sky makes for great negative space, but look for non distracting space elsewhere too in architecture or even nature Just make sure there arent any major elements like bursts of color or major lines that draw your eye away. Above There are tons of elements at play in the shot above, and no real negative space. If we dropped a subject in there like a person all of those elements would likely distract. But, on its own, its an interesting shot full of details And sometimes, you may want no negative space at allAn image thats purposefully brimming with elements can be interesting too Like empty space, frames can help put the focus on your subject. They seem to shout out Hey lookSimple Ways To Get More Instagram Followers And Likes. Getting more likes on social media makes you happier. Science says so. And since we want you to feel happy, dear reader, we decided to figure out exactly how one goes about obtaining likes and followers on that most enigmatic of apps Instagram. Instagram itself has been tight lipped about what gets users to hit Like, so we turned to the next most logical source superstar Instagrammers with heaps of followers. It turns out that while becoming Insta famous isnt exactly a walk in the park with an Earlybird filter, its not impossible, either. So lets introduce our panel of Insta experts, who will help you become the toast of the Internet in no time. Courtney Dasher, aka tunameltsmyheart Dasher, a resident of Los Angeles, owns Tuna, an adorable chiweenie dog with an occasionally prominent overbite. Tuna has amassed more than 8. Instagram followers since Dasher created the account in November 2. He also has his own T shirt line. Pei Ketron, aka pketron A traveling freelance photographer whos accumulated more than 8. October 2. 01. 0, when Instagram first launched. She has also been featured as one of Instagrams suggested users. Samantha Lee, aka leesamantha A Malaysia based mother of two who creates whimsical designs out of food. Her following is nearly 6. Kat Irlin, aka katinnyc A New York based photographer who has gathered more than 3. TIP NO. 1 HAVE A SHTICKReally successful Instagram accounts tend to stick to a theme a designer who posts behind the scenes peeks into the fashion industry a food artist who does amazing things with rice and string beans a world traveler with a flurry of snapshots from Paris, Portugal and Peru a crafty celeb obsessive and, of course, an abundance of adorable puppies and kittens. This is Tuna, Dashers tiny chiweenie. With more than 8. Instagram superstar. Dasher has even taken him on a Tuna Tour of the Southeastern United States so that his fans could meet the pooch in person. Dasher posts a new picture of Tuna every day, making sure to vary the photos with a mix of tried and true classics Tuna sleeping, Tuna with his teeth sticking out as well as a few more artful shots Tuna posing in an American flag sweater, Tuna swaddled in a hipster scarf. She also includes the occasional Tuna fan art. The account is a perfect example of a well executed theme with a super consistent posting schedule see below. TIP NO. 2 STICK TO A SCHEDULEIts very important that your followers know when to expect a new picture. If youre going to be daily, you have to post daily, Dasher told The Huffington Post. Your audience will expect that rhythm. Lee also sticks to a daily schedule. If I update my account once a week or too many at a time then disappear for weeks, it is unlikely that I can build a loyal following, she told Huff. Post in an email. TIP NO. 3 DONT BE BORINGIf people are coming to your account for photos of your frowny faced kitten, you probably dont want to throw in a picture of your morning soy latte. How To Install Screen Tight Door Hardware. But giving the people what they want doesnt have to mean posting the same photos of sunsets and cityscapes over and over and over. The worst thing for me is to look at my own feed and be bored, said Ketron. I know what type of photo is going to get more likes, but I still do my best to make posts that I want to see and share. I like symmetry, I like lines, I like buildings. But its not like I dont shoot landscapes or portraits as well. Its easy for a themed Instagram account to grow repetitive, but being a travel photographer means that Ketron always has something new and different to share and thats what an audience wants. Even Dasher mixes up her Tuna feed with a few fan art photos. TIP NO. 4 USE INTERESTING HASHTAGS. Hashtags are seen as the ultimate way to get more eyeballs on your post, but they dont necessarily keep people coming back for more. Our Instagram experts tend to eschew common hashtags like dog or love, because, as Ketron pointed out, If Im going to post a photo of a bike, why would I hashtag it bicycle There are literally millions of photos with that hashtag. Instead, they tend to stick with a handful of unique hashtags that speak to the theme of the account or of a particular project. For instance, Ketron used the hashtag leanwithit for this photo TIP NO. BUT DONT USE TOO MANYLee told Huff. Post that hashtags are a great way to reach out to strangers who dont know about my Instagram feed, but she added that the tags should be relevant to the post. I dont believe in using too many hashtags as it gives an impression that you are desperate for likes, she said. Lee invented a simple bespoke hashtag for her creations, leesamantha, and she usually adds another descriptive tag like foodart. Its a point that Dasher endorses, too. As an audience member, I find hashtags a little cluttery, she said. If I see that, I feel like youre trying too hard to build your audience. Thats why she sticks to one or two labels that really define the photo, rather than going for large quantities of generic tags. Tibet Movie Download. TIP NO. 6 INTERACT WITH YOUR AUDIENCEEven if youre not a slave to the almighty like, you should take care to acknowledge your audience in some way. Im intentional about responding to commenters, even though Im not able to respond to everybody, Dasher said. I want them to know that I appreciate them. TIP NO. TAKE A GOOD PHOTOTheres a reason professional photographers tend to have such sizable Instagram followings They know what makes a good photo. I shoot a mobile photo as carefully as I would a DSLR shot, Ketron said. You dont need to be a pro to master a few photo basics. A lot of what makes a good snap is just intuitive. Is your subject in focus Do the colors contrast in an interesting way Are there any particularly enticing angles Are you photographing something that people will actually want to see Take a quick online photography tutorial if you really want to hone your skills. TIP NO. 8 EDIT YOUR IMAGESYou should also invest in a good photo editing app, instead of resorting to Instagrams limited filters and editing tools. Dasher says her go to app is Afterlight. Irlin prefers VSCO CAM and Snapseed. TIP NO. 9 GET FEATUREDNo good Instagram account exists in a vacuum. Most accounts that see a surge in followers have been featured in one of three places the apps blog, its Explore page, or, if theyre very lucky, its suggested user list, which shows up under Find People to Follow in Instagrams settings. Ketron had a leg up on other users by virtue of being an early Instagram adopter. I knew people who worked at Instagram, and I was pretty well embedded into the Instagram community in San Francisco, so they wrote a blog post about me, she said. Then they added me to the suggested user list. But for those not fortunate enough to know the folks at Instagram personally, there is such a thing as organic follower growth. For Dasher, Tunas inherent cuteness and adorable overbite made him destined to go viral. Mashable wrote about the charming chiweenie after Dasher uploaded a video of the pup trying and spectacularly failing to walk in doggy shoes, and a slew of media outlets followed. Then he was adapted into a meme on Reddit. Instagram promptly took note and featured Tuna in three separate posts on its personal page, growing his following substantially. By the end of 2. 01. Tuna had well over 5.